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Displaying 11-15 of 32 results.

Wordpress Plugin Development

On 2013-06-10 - By Ravi Thanki

WordPress Plugin: A WordPress Plugin is a program, or a set of one or more functions, written in the PHP scripting language, that adds a specific set of features or services to the WordPress weblog, which can be seamlessly integrated with the weblog using access points and methods provided by the WordPress.

1. Create one page name as admin.
2. cre...

Install WordPress Plugins without FTP Username or Password

On 2013-06-10 - By Ravi Thanki

 WordPress is the most established term amongst online blogger and webmasters. It has been accepted as the incredible online marketing tool by the online business entities and bloggers.

Just Copy and paste following Line into WP-CONFIG.php file, after mysql username and password setting.


Export my current database of application

On 2013-06-10 - By Ravi Bhalodiya

public  function actionExport($withData = true, $dropTable = false, $saveName = null, $savePath = false)
        $pdo = Yii::app()->db->pdoInstance;

Display custom data in Gridview using CArrayDataProvider

On 2013-06-10 - By Ravi Bhalodiya

Student table contains following fields:

StudentController.php action

public function actionMyadmin()
        $list = Student::model()->findAll();

        $dataArray = array();
        foreach (...

Install Drupal Theme without provide FTP Access.

On 2013-06-10 - By Ravi Thanki

Drupal is a free, open-source web development platform for online content and user communities. Drupal powers some of the busiest sites on the web, and can be adapted to virtually any visual design.

Following commands are used to avoid FTP Access at the time of installing theme.

1. sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/drupal
